

SDMA for Puppies and Kittens

Have the reference intervals for the IDEXX SDMA Test in puppies and kittens been determined?


In puppies, the IDEXX SDMA Test reference interval has been determined to be slightly higher (0–16 μg/dL) than the adult reference interval (0–14 μg/dL). A majority of puppies (90%) have results that fall within the adult reference interval, and another 6% have a result within the extended puppy reference interval.

An IDEXX SDMA Test reference interval study is underway for kittens, and the upper limit of the kitten reference interval may also be slightly higher than that of adult cats. Most kittens (87%) have a result within the adult reference interval (0–14 μg/dL) and 6% have a result just above the reference interval (15 or 16 μg/dL). IDEXX SDMA Test results with these slight increases should be interpreted in light of other findings and monitored over time to see if they normalise or increase.

The cause of this slight increase in SDMA concentration in puppies and kittens is unknown at this time, but physiological roles for protein arginine methylation, including signal transduction, mRNA splicing, transcriptional control, DNA repair and protein translocation, are postulated to be increased in growing animals, resulting in increased SDMA generation.

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